Where does the time go?

August 2nd, 2019 | 5 min
By:  Jessie DeLouis Jessie DeLouis profile  

There are twenty-four hours in a day and seven days a week. That totals to one hundred and sixty-eight hours or ten thousand and eighty minutes. What you choose to do with those hours and minutes varies between individuals. Time is an interesting concept because it is both plentiful or limited. A day can either be completely wasted with no plans or booked full, scheduled out to the minute. For college students, the timer starts the minute we step on campus. They only have a few years at our desired institution and must prioritize and value each day, week, and semester. Managing time can be one of the most difficult tasks for a college student to master. Time management, is one of those buzzwords’ students hear hundreds of times during orientation. Every university tries to drill the importance of time management to incoming freshmen, but they often provide limited resources and strategies to use and practice. A resource like YouScheduler aims to assist our peers in managing their time by finding the best schedule for them to create a solid foundation for each semester. As a company, we strive to play a small role in a student’s ability to prioritize their time management and cultivate their personal success. With so many activities, influence, and sometimes distractions on campus, scheduling your days at a university can be quite difficult. Academia is the central focus of college, student’s need to maintain a healthy balance between learning, working, socializing, relaxation, and especially sleep. Neglecting any of these actions will cause the rest to suffer and decreasing the students chances of success. Time to relax and decompress is essential because it will help alleviate avoidable stress. The period for a good night's sleep provides the ability to focus and be efficient with tasks. Managing your time is a choice. The first step to mastering time management is to create a plan and practice it every day. Now, you only a few years at college. Every second, minute, and day the buzzer comes closer and closer to ringing. What will you use to help you plan your time?

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